Results for 'D. A. Greaves'

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  1.  55
    Can compulsory removal ever be justified for adults who are mentally competent?D. A. Greaves - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (4):189-194.
    Section 47 of the National Assistance Act is controversial in that it makes provision for the compulsory removal and care of mentally competent adults in certain limited circumstances. A case is described in which it is argued that compulsory management could be justified. This is because the diversity and potentially conflicting nature of the relevant considerations involved in this and a restricted range of other cases, defies their being captured in any wholly rational moral scheme. It follows that if the (...)
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    The End of an Age of Optimism-Medical Science in Retrospect and Prospect.D. A. Greaves - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (1):46-47.
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    What is medicine?: towards a philosophical approach.D. Greaves - 1979 - Journal of Medical Ethics 5 (1):29-32.
    The failure of Western medicine to deal with many of the problems it is currently facing has led to an awareness of the need for a fundamental reappraisal. The way in which medical concepts derived from the nineteenth century have brought technical medical advances in this century and the alliances that medicine has made with statistics and more recently the social sciences, have prevented a questioning of medicine's underlying assumptions. Thus, despite a number of critical initiatives from both within and (...)
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  4.  61
    Reflections on a new medical cosmology.D. Greaves - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):81-85.
    Since the nineteenth century the theory and practice of mainstream Western medicine has been grounded in the biomedical model. In the later years of the twentieth century, however, it has faced a range of serious problems, which when viewed collectively, remain unresolved despite a variety of responses. The question we now face is whether these problems can be dealt with by modifying and extending the principles underlying the biomedical model, or whether a more radical solution is required. Recent critiques of (...)
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    The Meaning of Medicine: The Human Person: Edited by B Ars. Kugler, 2001, 28, pp 194. ISBN 90 6299 183.D. Greaves - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):11e-11.
    I read this book shortly after rereading Confessions of a Medicine Man by Alfred Tauber. (MIT Press 1999). As both these books are concerned with searching for the meaning of medicine in a world where scientific and technical goals predominate, it was inevitable that I should compare them. What intrigued me was how two books with a similar purpose could be so different. Tauber is an American physician and philosopher whose book is a personal quest to seek out a medical (...)
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  6. Changing priorities in residential medical and social services.D. Greaves - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (2):77-81.
    During the past thirty years a high proportion of all long stay hospital beds have been closed. The responsibility for those who would have occupied those beds previously has to a large extent been transferred from health to social services departments, or to family, voluntary and private care. The overall effect has been to prioritize acute medical care, and to expose the public provision and funding of long term residential care, whether medical or social, to the direct determination of political (...)
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  7.  13
    The Meaning of Medicine: The Human Person.D. Greaves - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):11-11.
    I read this book shortly after rereading Confessions of a Medicine Man by Alfred Tauber. (MIT Press 1999). As both these books are concerned with searching for the meaning of medicine in a world where scientific and technical goals predominate, it was inevitable that I should compare them. What intrigued me was how two books with a similar purpose could be so different. Tauber is an American physician and philosopher whose book is a personal quest to seek out a medical (...)
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  8.  39
    Combining law with medical ethics.D. Greaves - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):134-136.
    A postgraduate Diploma in Medical Ethics and Law was started in October 1984 by the Centre of Medical Law and Ethics at King's College. It is a part-time one year course designed so as to enable students to continue with full-time employment if they wish. It is multidiscipinary and is open to all who have a first degree in a relevant discipline, for example law, philosophy, theology, medicine and nursing studies. It is unique in combining medical law and medical ethics (...)
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  9.  26
    The future prospects for living wills.D. Greaves - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):179-182.
    Following the first enactment of living will legislation in California in 1976 the majority of the states of the USA have now passed similar laws. However, flaws have been identified in the way they work in practice and many states are considering reviewing their legislation. In Britain there is no legislation but the subject is currently commanding considerable interest. This paper assesses the future prospects for living wills in both the USA and Britain, analysing the different options available and comparing (...)
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  10.  68
    Postmarital Residence and Bilateral Kin Associations among Hunter-Gatherers.Karen L. Kramer & Russell D. Greaves - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):41-63.
    Dispersal of individuals from their natal communities at sexual maturity is an important determinant of kin association. In this paper we compare postmarital residence patterns among Pumé foragers of Venezuela to investigate the prevalence of sex-biased vs. bilateral residence. This study complements cross-cultural overviews by examining postmarital kin association in relation to individual, longitudinal data on residence within a forager society. Based on cultural norms, the Pumé have been characterized as matrilocal. Analysis of Pumé marriages over a 25-year period finds (...)
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  11.  41
    Juvenile Subsistence Effort, Activity Levels, and Growth Patterns.Karen L. Kramer & Russell D. Greaves - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (3):303-326.
    Attention has been given to cross-cultural differences in adolescent growth, but far less is known about developmental variability during juvenility (ages 3–10). Previous research among the Pumé, a group of South American foragers, found that girls achieve a greater proportion of their adult stature during juvenility compared with normative growth expectations. To explain rapid juvenile growth, in this paper we consider girls’ activity levels and energy expended in subsistence effort. Results show that Pumé girls spend far less time in subsistence (...)
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  12.  41
    Characterisation of organisational issues in paediatric clinical ethics consultation: a qualitative study.D. J. Opel, B. S. Wilfond, D. Brownstein, D. S. Diekema & R. A. Pearlman - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):477-482.
    Background: The traditional approach to resolving ethics concerns may not address underlying organisational issues involved in the evolution of these concerns. This represents a missed opportunity to improve quality of care “upstream”. The purpose of this study was to understand better which organisational issues may contribute to ethics concerns. Methods: Directed content analysis was used to review ethics consultation notes from an academic children’s hospital from 1996 to 2006 (N = 71). The analysis utilised 18 categories of organisational issues derived (...)
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  13.  24
    Allocating Scarce Medical Resources: Using Social Usefulness as a Criterion.D. Selvaraj, A. McClelland & A. Furnham - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (4):274-286.
    This study aimed to determine if people would use social usefulness as a criterion when allocating a kidney to potential recipients. Participants ranked hypothetical patients in order of priority to receive the kidney, using only information on the patients’ volunteering record, intelligence, emotional intelligence, and attractiveness. The results showed that volunteers were prioritized over nonvolunteers, highly intelligent patients over those with average intelligence, patients with high emotional intelligence over those with average emotional intelligence, and good-looking patients over average-looking patients. There (...)
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  14. Andersson, A., On second-order generalized quanti" ers and" finite structures.D. R. Hirschfeldt, B. Khoussainov, R. A. Shore & A. M. Slinko - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 115:303.
  15. Leksicheskai︠a︡ semantika: sinonimicheskie sredstva i︠a︡zyka.I︠U︡. D. Apresi︠a︡n - 1995 - Moskva: Vostochnai︠a︡ literatura" RAN.
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  16. The total healthcare audit system: a systematic methodology for auditing the totality of patient care.A. Miles, D. P. Bentley, N. Price, A. Polychronis, J. E. Grey & J. E. Asbridge - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2:37-64.
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  17.  40
    On a Fragment of Comedy.A. D. Knox - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (05):134-135.
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  18.  43
    Agreed: The Harm Principle Cannot Replace the Best Interest Standard … but the Best Interest Standard Cannot Replace The Harm Principle Either.D. Micah Hester, Kellie R. Lang, Nanibaa' A. Garrison & Douglas S. Diekema - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):38-40.
    In Bester’s article (2018) challenging the use of the harm principle and advocating sole reliance on the use of a best interest standard (BIS) in pediatric decision-making, we believe that the auth...
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  19. A Plain Man's Life of Christ.A. D. Martin - 1947
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  20.  12
    “Field Reviews”: A new style of review article for Artificial Intelligence.A. G. Cohn & D. Perlis - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 131 (1-2):189.
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  21.  30
    Effects of luminance, blur, and age on nighttime visual guidance: A test of the selective degradation hypothesis.D. Alfred Owens & Richard A. Tyrrell - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (2):115.
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    The Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror, being a Translation of the Jinakālamālīpakaraṇaṁ of Ratanapañña Thera of ThailandThe Sheaf of Garlands of the Epochs of the Conqueror, being a Translation of the Jinakalamalipakaranam of Ratanapanna Thera of Thailand.D. Seyfort Ruegg & N. A. Jayawickrama - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):179.
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    Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡, 1783-1841: i︠a︡zyk i literatura v Rossii na rubezhe XVIII-XIX vekov.A. A. Kostin, N. D. Kochetkova & I. A. Malysheva (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: Institut lingvisticheskikh issledovaniĭ RAN.
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  24.  17
    The existence of a lateral size effect and the relationship between indentation and scratch hardness in copper.A. Kareer, X. D. Hou, N. M. Jennett & S. V. Hainsworth - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-18.
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  25.  36
    Olympias and the serpent: The interpretation of a baalbek mosaic and the date of the illustrated pseudo-callisthenes.D. J. A. Ross - 1963 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 26 (1/2):1-21.
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  26. Operationalism.D. A. Gillies - 1972 - Synthese 25 (1-2):1 - 24.
  27. Literaturnye formy priobshchenii︠a︡ k bytii︠u︡: monografii︠a︡.D. M. Fedi︠a︡ev - 1998 - Omsk: Omskiĭ gos. pedagog. universitet.
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  28.  9
    Ocherki ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionno-sinteticheskoĭ teorii i︠a︡zyka =.A. D. Koshelev - 2017 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskiĭ Dom I︠A︡SK.
    The monograph shows that in the last 50 years theoretical linguistics remains a compendium of mutually contradicting doctrines on multiple levels: the level of general theories of language, the level of its main constituents (the lexicon, syntax, and the lexical-syntactic interface that connects them), and the lower levels of specific linguistic problems (such as lexical polysemy, grammatical meanings, etc.). The contradictions of contemporary linguistic theories are indicative of a deep crisis. Evolutionary-synthetic theory of language is aimed at overcoming this crisis. (...)
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  29.  70
    The Buddha and Wittgenstein: A brief philosophical exegesis.A. D. P. Kalansuriya - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2):103 – 111.
    Abstract An attempt is made to analyse the key notions in the Buddha's Dhamma? ?truth?, ?knowledge?, ?emancipation??by way of the philosophical techniques of the later Wittgenstein. The analysis hence is both comparative and noncomparative. It is comparative because two thought processes from two different traditions are brought together. And it is noncomparative since it brings into focus a philosophical exegesis as against a comparative exposition. In the process not only are philosophical errors in comparative exposition made explicit in our thesis (...)
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  30. A Response to Professor Gorovitz.A. Caplan & M. D. Bayles - 1978 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 3 (3):192-195.
  31.  43
    Mr. Williams on the A Priori.D. A. T. Gasking - 1938 - Analysis 6 (5/6):69 - 78.
    D. A. T. Gasking; Mr. Williams on the a Priori1, Analysis, Volume 6, Issue 5-6, 1 September 1939, Pages 69–78,
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  32. In search of the absolute: a critical study of the the Advaitic philosophy of the equality of religions.A. D. Vallooran - 2021 - Bengaluru, India: ATC Publishers.
  33. Comentarios a la carta encíclica "Fides et ratio".A. D. Moratalla - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 43:95-104.
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  34. Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by a large osteochondroma.A. Wong, S. Watson, A. Bakula & D. Ashmead - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press.
  35.  28
    Confessions of a Philosopher.David Greaves - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):191-192.
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  36. Response times in a countermanding paradigm.A. Osman, S. Hornblum & D. Meyer - 1990 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 16 (1):183-198.
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  37.  12
    Mūjaz al-ṭurūḥāt al-falsafīyah al-Hīlīnīyah.Niḍāl Kāmil Rashīd - 2020 - [Place of publication not identified]: Nidhal K. Rashid.
    An Arabic language summary of the history and principles of four key Hellenic schools of philosophy: Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism.
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  38. Fenomen geroizma: o geroi︠a︡kh i geroicheskom.D. A. Volkogonov - 1985 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  39.  25
    Ecology as a teleological science.A. D. Voûte - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):143-164.
  40. Obshchenauchnye poni︠a︡tii︠a︡ i materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.D. A. Gushchin (ed.) - 1982 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta.
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  41. Li︠u︡di! Vperedi propastʹ: pisʹma deti︠a︡m, vnukam, druzʹi︠a︡m, budushchim pokolenii︠a︡m.E. D. I︠A︡khnin - 2002 - Moskva: Taĭdeks Ko.
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    Starye t︠s︡erkvi, novye verui︠u︡shchie: religii︠a︡ v massovom soznanii postsovetskoĭ Rossii.Kimmo Kääriäinen & D. E. Furman (eds.) - 2000 - Moskva: Letniĭ sad.
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  43.  17
    Care versus Justice: Odera Oruka and the Quest for Global Justice.D. A. Masolo - 2012 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 4 (2):23-49.
    The Kenya-born philosopher Henry Odera Oruka (1944 - 1995) persistently, and consistently, made proposals for a different moral approach to addressing, and possibly solving, some of the root causes of human conflicts across the world. I will call it “taking suffering seriously” as the basis of his idea of a global-level collective justice which, for him, raised the idea of the ethics of care to the level of global justice. I propose in this paper to show that this concern can (...)
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  44.  5
    Problemy metodologii i sovremennai︠a︡ nauka.A. D. Ursul (ed.) - 1988 - Kishinev: "Shtiint︠s︡a".
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  45.  30
    Free-Thought in the Social Sciences. By J. A. Hobson.A. D. Lindsay - 1927 - Philosophy 2 (6):259.
  46.  29
    The Works of George Berkeley. Vol. IV. Edited by A. A. Luce. (Nelson. 1951. Pp. viii + 264. Price 30s. net.).A. D. Woozley - 1952 - Philosophy 27 (101):171-.
  47.  38
    Physical bases for a new theory of motion.A. D. Allen - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (3):407-412.
    The author has recently shown that a mathematical question regarding the fundamental constituents of hardrons cannot be resolved unless the classical axioms of nonfinite mathematics are revised in such a way as to produce a new theory of particle motion in continuous space-time. Under this new theory, the instantaneous position of a moving object has a magnitude that is increasing as the object's velocity. The purpose of this paper is to show that, quite apart from the question of Cantorian axiomatics, (...)
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  48.  24
    The Role of Nurses in Euthanasia: a Dutch study.A. V. D. Scheur & A. V. D. Arend - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (6):497-508.
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    An ethical perspective on euthanasia and assisted suicide in the netherlands from a nursing point of view.A. J. V. D. Arend - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):307-318.
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  50. Activation and use of stereotyped beliefs in personnel decisions: A mock (football) draft.D. R. Shaffer & C. A. Collier - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 14--186.
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